[Editor’s Note: Due to various wallpaper removing, wall painting and furniture moving about, this year’s Spring Cycle write-up is shorter than intended. Hope you enjoy it; and remember, you’re not removing wallpaper while reading this.]
The 2010 Sydney Spring Cycle turned on elemental charms on Sunday, 17th October for the 10,000+ cyclists who turned out, along with hundreds of volunteers and support personnel from police, fire and ambulance services. We'd gone from snow flurries in the mountains to North Sydney sunshine in less than 24 hours.
Thunder Horse under Police Escort |
To top it all - we had a police escort! [They must have heard about how many times I fell off my bike during last year's Gong Ride...]
We rolled off at a measured pace, allowing us to take in some of North Sydney’s architectural highlights while Saw Horse lightened his load.
There were a couple of minor mechanical issues: thrown chains; falling over; too much ricotta canoli ... the usual cycling hazards.
Fortunately, Team Iron Horse needed no assistance from any of the emergency services—despite a couple of decent attempts at injury through crash tackle cycling tactics.
Perched on the median strip, Saw Horse began the ride with a closer inspection of his chain ring. An inauspicious start to what turned out to be a solid performance in his first Team event.
Saw Horse on median strip |
Dark Horse |
A $150 spanner in his backpack allowed Dark Horse to make fast adjustments to Saw Horse's bike. Proving once again that he is the Dark Horse and, following the adjustments, Saw Horse was less sore at the end of the ride.
Lightning Horse |
Perhaps Tumbling Horse would be the more accurate moniker after taking the fine art of falling off his bike to new heights by colliding with another cyclist who failed to keep left; due to another cyclist not keeping left. Yes, the age old, indefatigable, Domino Theory.
The ensuing pile-up left a rather surprised cyclist with a torn pair of lycra resulting from his own handlebar riding up his shorts!
Thunder Horse left the scene, eventually, after helping the anonymous cyclist extricate his aforementioned handlebars from his aforementioned nether regions. Amusing in hindsight. Not at the time.
Thunder Horse left the scene, eventually, after helping the anonymous cyclist extricate his aforementioned handlebars from his aforementioned nether regions. Amusing in hindsight. Not at the time.